Paramore's Hayley Williams & Taylor York Join Zac Farro's HalfNoise On Stage at EP Release Show

According to fans in attendance, Williams and York were on stage throughout the entire show, playing instruments and singing backing vocals.
HalfNoise performing "French Class" with Hayley and Taylor at the Lucky Bamboo China Bistro in Nashville last night (��: deadboy28)— Paramore Belgium (@ParamoreBelgium) April 9, 2017
velvet face ep release party. halfnoise & friends. april 8 2017. congrats. (@HalfNoiseMusic / @zacfarro / @yelyahwilliams / @itstayloryall )— isabel (@isabelpesci) April 10, 2017
Hayley and Taylor at the HalfNoise show yesterday (��: pvrvhvnsel)— Paramore Belgium (@ParamoreBelgium) April 9, 2017
Zac and Hayley doing a cover of "House of Cards" (Radiohead) at the HalfNoise show in Nashville yesterday— Paramore Belgium (@ParamoreBelgium) April 9, 2017
@yelyahwilliams @zacfarro this was worth every minute of the drive from indy. warmed my lil heart to see y'all on stage together ❤️ much love— Carly Butler (@ylracbutler) April 9, 2017
@yelyahwilliams @zacfarro Really needed those tunes tonight. Thanks for the space to escape the world for a little bit! Worth the drive from ATL— 100%Life (@Dwm923) April 9, 2017