Taylor Swift Tells Fan She Is Not Her 'Mom'

A fan, Maddie, shared a video of her mother complaining that her daughter keeps calling Taylor "mom," which she doesn't totally appreciate, since, you know, she's Maddie's mom (even if she's a T-Swift fan, too).
Swift totally got the message, and replied with a sweet statement of her own: "Maddie," Swift wrote. "This is a passionate plea and I see her reasoning. Your mom birthed you. I was off playing in coffee houses. Your mom tended to you when you cried as a toddler. I drew lyrics on my arms and stomped around in cowboy boots while you cried in the night. Your mom taught you how to speak and read. I was like ‘come on! Let’s all have fun and jump around at this concert and paint our faces with glitter!’ So no, I have not earned the right to be referred to as your 'Mom’. I’m more like your crazy aunt. So you shall not call me 'Mom’. No, it’s Aunt Becky."