Lizzie McGuire Cast Members Come Together for Mini-Reunion

Thomas, who teased earlier this week that he was up to something “weird,” went bowling with former co-stars Lalaine and Lizzie herself, Hilary Duff. (Well, that or he chose a very random location for a photoshoot.) Unfortunately, Adam Lamberg (Gordo) was nowhere to be found, but considering how much Gordo hated bowling—having a bowling ball surgerically removed from your hand is a harrowing experience—it’s no huge surprise.
Duff, of course, continues to work on her music and stars in TV Land’s Younger, while Lalaine has occasionally taken roles throughout the years and Thomas has become a photographer. So while nearly everything these days seems to be getting a reboot or revival, the picture doesn’t look to be a hint of anything more than what’s there—a group of old friends reuniting. But.. we can dream, right?