Don't Be Sad: Alter The Press Is Now Hiring!

We’re looking to hire some fantastic new writers who love pop/rock music as much as we do!
If you’re interested in writing about big artists like 5 Seconds of Summer, Taylor Swift, All Time Low and Paramore, as well as covering the best up-and-comers, you should definitely drop us a line. (Bonus points if you have previous writing experience and can adhere to deadlines.) To apply, send an email to with the following deets:
- Tell us, in 1-4 sentences, who you are as a writer and music lover, and why you’d like to write for us.
- Write a 200-250 word “mini-review” on your current favorite song. Make sure to be specific and explain why it rocks!
- Optional: Include a reaction gif that represents how you would feel if we chose you. (Just kidding. Maybe.)
We’re excited to hear from you!