ATP! Lists: 10 Reasons We're Excited for Tonight Alive's New Album

1. It’s been nearly two years since the band’s last album, The Other Side, and uh, we’re kind of dying here.

2. Let’s be real, we’re stoked to see another album with a badass female slaying the vocals.

3. We definitely think a new album is a good reason to come back to the US for a headlining tour … *nudge* *wink*

4. Tonight Alive’s upcoming tour with All Time Low looks like a perfect time to premiere some new jams, if the music gods are with us.

5. Jenna’s dance moves are pretty amazing already, but maybe she’ll pull out some even more amazing stunts to new songs.

6. Since we’re talking about Jenna … a sick new hair color to match a new album? We sure hope. (Though we’ll miss the green.)

7. The Other Side vinyl release was pretty cool, and we would love another Tonight Alive vinyl to add to our collections.

8. Because Whakaio’s guitar work is, in a word, phenomenal, and we’re dying to hear more.

9. The entire crew – Jenna, Whakaio, Jake, Cameron and Matt – creates some amazing music that empowers us everyday, and we can’t wait to have even more of it.

10. There’s no denying Tonight Alive is one of the best rock bands out there today and we’re so excited to see where they go from here.

Tonight Alive will release their third studio album later this year. Dates for the band's upcoming spring tour with All Time Low can be found here.
- Lauren Jones and Tori Mier