Lorde Defends Kim Kardashian's 'Break The Internet' Photo Shoot

But, Perez Hilton and others took her tweet as some kind of “how could a mother be doing this?!” admonishment, so Lorde decided to explain her feelings in a delightful Tumblr post, published late Thursday night.
“@KimKardashian: #BreakTheInternet” mom
— Lorde (@lordemusic) November 12, 2014
Lorde explains that, “among the youthz,” writing “MOM” is a “compliment,” and that she believes the argument that Kim “has no right to look that sexy as she is a mother”—espoused by Glee’s Naya Rivera, among others—“is TOTAL trash.” Lorde continues, “If anything i think [Kim] gets even more beautiful and sexy all the time like a fineass wine, and of course has every right to showcase that.”
She goes on: “. . . also maybe reporters don’t understand my breed of humour/worship. i am the biggest fan of jean-paul goude and of grace jones, as you know, and there’s no way i could support one and not the other you know? it wouldn’t make any sense to worship rih in her swarovski crystal gown at the CFDAs, or grace naked on the cover of island life (as shot by goude!), and not kim. to summarize - kim’s cover was pure heaven. so so beautiful. i’m proud to say it’ll be on my wall.”
She closes by explaining that she wrote a message to her and Kim’s “mutual friend” (presumably Kanye), and “made sure Kim understood,” and that, next time, she will “go for a good old fashioned ‘SLAY’ instead.”