ATP Interview: PVRIS

But it wasn’t without a little elbow grease. After finishing their run on Warped Tour, we were able to catch up with Lyndsey Gunnulfsen of PVRIS to talk about life on the road and new music.
Hi Lyndsey. How was Warped Tour for the second time around?
Great! After being gone for so many weeks, with so many concerts and working on new stuff, it’s nice to finally be home. Last year we did the Mansfield date and the Connecticut date and this year we did [a few] weeks. So this is technically our first year since we weren’t on the tour last year.
What was your favorite part this time?
Definitely meeting all of the new bands and making/being friends with everybody. There was always a ton of new people we would meet every single day so that was super fun about it!
Anything you miss while being on the road?
Pools, and ice-cold water. That’s about it, it gets pretty hot out there.
What should one expect when going to see PVRIS for the first time?
They should definitely expect to jump a lot and clap a lot. And to get harassed when you don’t do those things (laughs). I’ll just make fun of them for [not participating] and being lame. Totally jokingly though!
You guys have an album coming up? Care to share any details?
Well I can’t give away any dates yet, but it will be this fall. It’s gonna be a full-length, and all I can say is that it’s gonna be really really good!
What do you guys have planned for PVRIS once the record drops?
Well we have a tour with Mayday Parade coming up when it drops, actually a little before when it drops. But we will be on the tour when it drops. After that we have a few dates that I can’t talk about, but they’ll be really really cool and they’re gonna be right after Christmas I think. I mean that’s just what we have planned so far.
What do you want people to take away after listening to PVRIS?
I mean, anything their heart desires. Whether it’s a lesson, whether it’s connecting with it, or whether it’s just simply enjoying the songs themselves. So really anything, as long as they take away something positive we will be happy with that.
Words by Jordan Wyman