This Is What Dreams Are Made Of: 5 Reasons Why We’re Glad Hilary Duff Is Back

1. She’s Much More Than Just Lizzie McGuire
We’ve all seen Lizzie McGuire. There’s a pretty good chance that it was actually your favorite program growing up, you can quote every episode, and you know all the words to the theme song. The television show is what set off the singer’s career – but don’t be fooled, the names Lizzie McGuire and Hilary Duff are not synonymous. Because of Lizzie McGuire’s positive impact on audiences, it may be difficult for some to initially recognize Duff as a developing artist herself instead of a popular character on an early-2000’s Disney show. But selling Hilary Duff short would be the ultimate mistake – her successes span far past her start, and she is much more than just Lizzie McGuire.
2. We Loved Growing Up With Her
Hilary Duff was a sister to us. As we grew up, so did she. We listened as her music matured, getting us through every stage of our adolescent years. “So Yesterday” taught us the power of letting go, and it still gets multiple spins on our “throwback” playlists. “Sweet Sixteen,” the tune that MTV picked up as the theme to their respective show, got us excited to hit that age marker and become what we considered to be an adult. Other Duff classics include “Come Clean,” “Why Not,” and “Beat Of My Heart” – works that are too catchy and cool not to love. Duff’s albums triumphantly covered the spectrum of youth. Watching the singer evolve made her that much more relatable, and her songs that much more validating.
3. Speaking Of Growing Up, Her New Single Is Exactly What We Wanted And Needed
“Chasing The Sun,” Duff’s unexpected new single, debuted on July 29th and leaves us longing even more for her highly-anticipated album to be released in the fall. Seven years after her last release has found Duff taking her music in a different direction, which works very well for the singer’s career progression. “Chasing The Sun” is light, smooth, and reminiscent of dwindling summer days. Its video is a perfect complement, showing Duff at work in an office but hilariously daydreaming of the beach. Although the singer’s decision to take a distinctly new path in her musical return is a risk, Duff is exactly where she needs to be.
4. At Age 26, She’s Done Everything
Besides being an actor and a singer, Duff can also proudly say that she’s an entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist. She’s created two fashion lines; the first, called “Stuff By Hilary Duff,” began distribution in 2004 and was targeted towards preteens. Duff then went on to design a collaborative line with DKNY Jeans for young adults. Her fragrance, “With Love… Hilary Duff,” ranked in the top three of all perfumes in 2006, the year it debuted. The artist has also penned a trilogy, with the first book titled Elixir becoming a New York Times bestseller. Duff’s list of accomplishments as an activist is long as well – she’s worked with Kids With A Cause, Return To Freedom, GLSEN, and has helped raise 4 million pounds of food for USA Harvest.
5. She’s A Role Model That The World Needs
Simply put, Duff has managed to be in the spotlight while staying out of the spotlight. She’s a hardworking mother that succeeds through authenticity rather than novelty. These days, that’s hard to come by. And that is why we’re glad Hilary Duff is back.
Words by Laurel Weber
Hilary Duff's new single "Chasing The Sun" is available now via RCA Records. The track is taken from her upcoming album that is expected to be released this fall.