Fall Out Boy - The Musical?

More info about the production can be found below.
Short Summary
"Allison joins a group of dark, subculture junkies headed by playgirl Jamie when she returns to college after a year in Americorps. Her world gets darker and darker as she learns that there is more to living on the fringes than sad poems. A Fall Out Boy musical filled with drugs, lying, and emotional turmoil. Fun for the whole family." We’re a group of teenagers about to embark on our first full-length film project: a jukebox musical set to the music of Fall Out Boy. We’ve got a cast, a crew, and a screenplay, but we don’t have any budget at all. So we’ve come to the internet in the hopes that you’ll be as excited about getting this movie made as we are!
What We Need & What You Get
Whatever amount we get, the budget will be divided something like this:
• 46% Lighting/Set Design
• 36% Sound Equipment
• 18% Camera Accessories
The current budget accounts for necessities only. If we go over our needed amount, we’ll get a higher quality microphone, better sets, and maybe a fog machine. Everyone on the crew is volunteering their time, so none of the money will end up in anyone’s pocket.
The Impact
Without the help of people like you, this film won’t get made. We have a group of excited, hard-working crew members. We just need the money to do what we love and give you the best quality product we can!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can’t donate, you can help us spread the word about the film! Share the link to the website, tell your friends about it, or even make flyers, if you’re really excited! Just help us spread the word. We’re relying on word-of-mouth to build up hype, so any assistance there is appreciated.