ATP! Interview: Mindy White (States)

It all started with a “good bunch of songs that were kind of just really really rough ideas but we could see their potential,” says lead vocalist Mindy White, who recently chatted with Alter the Press! about the new record.
The potential of these songs inspired the band to launch their Kickstarter campaign, although White was originally against the idea. Despite her hesitation, States made well over their goal and were able to self-release their best album to date.
“I already knew we had amazing fans but the fact that we went well over our goal that I thought we wouldn’t even make was just – honestly it was just really humbling and really really mind blowing. I just couldn’t believe the support.”
After funding was achieved, the band went into serious recording mode. White tells ATP! the process was “significantly different than Room to Run”, which was recorded in a studio in a different city where the band shared an apartment. This time around, the band recorded in their hometown in bandmates Stephen and Brian Laurenson’s home.
“I would wake up in my house, make coffee and then run to Stephen’s house and record and then go back home and sleep in my bed,” White laughs.
However, the challenge of writing in a familiar environment was hard for White and admits that at points she was consumed with writer’s block. The album took about six months to make, which White describes as “100% DIY, Pinterest homemade.” From the recording process to stumbling upon the artwork that would end up being their album art (which you can thank Brian for), the money made from their Kickstarter certainly did not go to waste.
As for her ATP! column, Nothing Cool Rhymes with Mindy, the inspiration comes from her willingness to give anything a chance. Whether it be clothes, beauty products, food or music, White says she always tries something new during every shopping experience and wants to share the experience with anybody that may be interested. She chooses what to write about based on what she would appreciate if someone told her about – “products that I know and love and want to promote.”
When she isn’t writing for us, she’s sharing similar stories over at Buzznet. Currently a BuzzMaker for the site, White blogs more than monthly about current topics that she wishes to discuss.
“I like to talk a lot. Not being on tour kind of drives me crazy because to me, being on tour is like being home and it helps with my crazy brain because if I don’t do anything I get so stir crazy. So it’s good whenever I get free time, I can just do a little write up about something or – even if it’s not a hot topic I just think of something fun and throw it up on Buzznet. I hope people enjoy it!”
With that in mind, White and her bandmates are ready to get back on the road as soon as possible. While nothing is set as of yet, States is looking to support bands early next year and help promote the new record.
- Gina Catalano
Paradigm is out now on iTunes and can be pre-ordered on limited edition vinyl.