ATP! Presents: Mariel's Closet (August 2013)

Each month, Mariel will be speaking about DIY fashion, beauty tips and style inspiration. Do you know any totally awesome DIY fashion projects or must-know beauty tips? Drop Mariel an e-mail at and your idea could be featured in next month's column!
If you were to ask me a couple years ago if I was a shoe or bag girl, I'd definitely tell you SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, no doubts, no questions asked. My shoe collection is massive and extremely frivolous in a way I actually find wasteful. It's not because I'm an impulse buyer or anything like that, I just love the way shoes look. I admit, I frequently judge people by their shoes, though never in a bad way. I just feel like you can tell so much about someone just by looking at their feet. Unfortunately for me I think heels are beautiful and I just can't walk in them, so I have many, many pairs that sit untouched in my closet.
Now that I'm touring so frequently my mind has shifted. It's no longer about fancy heels that I'll wear one time, it's about how can I fit this many things into one bag - only one pair of shoes will work so they better be comfy. For this reason, my interests have shifted. I am now completely a bag girl - backpacks in particular. I don't even bother with tiny purses anymore. I need to easily adapt to whatever situation on the road, which is why I need a big bag. The more stuff I can take, the more prepared I'll be to fix someones cold (or hangover) or sleep in a weird place or wash my hair in a public restroom sink. It all sounds so appealing, I know.
Whether you're traveling around, going to and from class or just out and about, having a backpack rules. These are my favorite backpacks for this fall: