ATP! Presents: Nothing Cool Rhymes With Mindy (June 2013)

This month's "Nothing Cool Rhymes With Mindy" is going to be semi-birthday themed just because it's my birthday month (June 19th to be exact)!! Don't worry, I accept all major credit cards, cash, and Starbees cards. This year I just hope I don't fall asleep mid-birthday cupcake.
Happy birthday to 4 year old me!! aaand...ZZZZzzzz...
Ok, Let's get right into it.
Favorite June Beauty Product: Physicians Formula's Tinted Moisturizer
Over the last year and a half I have become extremely conscious of what I put ON my body, as well as what I consume. It wasn't until I read an article on the dangers of chemicals in makeup, lotions, and other things that we put on our bodies that I realized how crucial it is to pay attention and buy better products! Physician's Formula specializes in making products that are free of harsh chemicals, parabens, and other skin irritants that can be brutal on your skin and cause aging and other serious problems. I'm obsessed with their Tinted Moisturizer. Anyone could use this, really. I know guys don't traditionally wear make up, but this is a moisturizer with the tiniest hint of color. Plus, I can't tell you how many guys I've toured with who have begged me for some concealer the day they got a zit! This moisturizer evens out your skin tone and looks natural, while feeling like it's not even there. It has SPF 50 broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection. I LOVE it, along with many other products from this company!
Favorite June Snack: Ritual Wellness Juice
So maybe it's not exactly a "snack," but more of a juice or a meal depending on if you're just thirsty, or you're actually cleansing. Ritual Wellness makes some of the best tasting and nutrient-packed juices I've ever had! My favorite is their Cashew "Milk". It's made from only Raw Cashews, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and Alkaline Water. It tastes like an edible cloud from Heaven sprinkled in cinnamon.... Or for those of you who are terrified of the idea of juicing/drinking cashews, to me it tastes similar to the milk left over from a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch...but better times infinity. Plus all of their juices are all raw, organic, and simple. No nasty corn syrup/extra sugars/gluten/additives. They have tons of juices to choose from and they're all amazing. They're the PERFECT way to detox your body and get back to feeling great. Trust me, try them out!
Those of you who know me already know my obsession with Wildfox Couture. They make the most fun, awesome, comfortable clothes I've EVER worn. My favorite June article by them has to be my, "I'm really a Unicorn" dress. I mean who doesn't want to be a unicorn? They're an America-Vintage inspired company from LA and have quite the clientele. I will confess, they were my favorite "secret" clothing line that not many people knew about a couple years ago, and I liked that. But I'm SO happy to see them everywhere now and getting bigger by the minute. They don't exactly have a "men's line" just yet, but some of it can be worn unisex. I've seen dudes sport it!
Favorite June Show: "Workaholics"
First of all this is more like Favorite all-time show, but whatever...
So, I never watch TV. Unless I'm sick and can't leave bed, or completely out of options. I just get antsy and feel like I'm wasting time that I could be creating or being productive. I dunno... BUT anyway. Recently I was sick and had to find something to watch. Kept hearing about "Workaholics" and watched an episode.... got hooked. I think I watched all 3 seasons in a month which is saying a LOT for me. One of the funniest shows I've seen in a long time. The guys in the show are so perfect together. Not to mention, tons of 90's references. The show pretty much makes you mad you're not best friends with them. If you're like me and are so late on this show, stop reading this and go watch now.
June Mix Tape:
1. Cursive - "A Birthday Bash" (Because I HAD to...)
2. Friendly Fires - "Jump In The Pool"
3. Fitz and the Tantrums - "Out of my league"
4. Beach House - "Myth"
5. K.Flay - "The Cops"
6. MUSE - "Supremacy"
7. Brighten - "I'll Be There"
8. Cage The Elephant - "Around My Head"
9. Tennis - "Origins"
10. The Kooks - "Junk Of The Heart"
11. Blackbear - "Unable"
12. Santigold ft. Karen O. - "GO!"
and here's what YOU GUYS are listening to! Thanks for the suggestions!
What are YOUR favorite new Products/Snacks/Clothing Items/Songs? Tweet me @MindyWhite and let me know and you might be included in next month's blog post!
Thanks for reading!