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Simple Plan Donate $20k To Help Create Jobs For Quebec Youth

The Simple Plan Foundation (the band's own charity) donated $20,000, at the recent Union of Quebec Municipalities (UMQ) conference, to the Association des centres jeunesse du Québec (The Assosiation of Youth Centers in Quebec) to help create job opportunities for youth of Quebec.

You can read what members Sébastien Lefebvre and Jeff Stinco said about their donation by clicking read more.

"The transition to adulthood is not always easy for young people and can even be downright problematic for some of them. Not only young people in youth centers have experienced a particular path, but when they reach the age of 18, they have to take responsibility almost overnight, be self-reliant and take charge of their adult status. To accomplish this transition, which is especially demanding, they need support and, among others, to be given a ‘first opportunity’. We firmly believe that giving them a first job will facilitate their integration into society and especially contribute to value and to restore confidence in themselves and their future."

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