ATP! Essential Listening: Electric Valentine

On a sunny afternoon in California, Chris was out having a cigarette when all of sudden he was being hit on by some girl. That girl was Lauren. The two of them started making music together and posting their songs on their MySpace page in 2007. The duo's debut EP, A Night With You included a title-track with the same name as well as an electronic redux of Alkaline Trio’s ‘All On Black.’ At the same time, the duo broke further in to the scene as Jeffree Star’s backup band on the 2007 Warped Tour. Their second EP, Friends With Benefits included more than stellar collaborations with Jeffree Star, Breathe Carolina, and their most popular collaboration with Watchout! There’s Ghosts in ‘Electric Ghosts.’ In 2009, they released Automatic (based on the Ultraviolet Sound collaboration of the same name) and the opening track ‘Body 2 Body’ was featured in the video game, Dance Central. After a short-lived and hectic tour relationship with Blood on the Dance Floor, the pair toured on their album alongside friends Metroid and Watchout! There’s Ghosts. The single ‘Everyone You Know Is On Drugs’ off their latest album, The Fuse wasn’t what got them attention. It was their viral single, ‘Girl, You Got Skrillex Hair’ in the midst of the Skrillex inspired under-cut wave that got them a mention on MTV.
Not only do they make fun and authentic electronic music, but they also have the creativity and work ethic that most groups never even get to have in their careers. Lauren’s vocals are the cross between Robyn and Madonna, and Chris’ tracks could easily be bangers on the radio and be headlining next year’s Coachella. Sadly, these guys fall in to the “How are they not bigger?” category.
If you dig hard you will find that Electric Valentine has released their albums not only on iTunes, but also have them available for free download. While the download seems appealing, giving Electric Valentine a listen will inspire you to do what’s right and actually buy their album. Check out ‘Dark Nights and Darker Hearts’ below and you’ll see what Electric Valentine can really serve up.
Words by Jordan Wyman