A Rocket To The Moon Open Up About Their Decision To Breakup

An excerpt from the article can be found below.
The announcement was very out-of-the-blue, especially after you just released Wild & Free. What happened?
The last year has been a real headache; the last eight months have been kind of weird. Just to start off, the four of us are still best friends. Justin [Richards, guitarist] and I actually went off to do a little charity show last weekend in Florida. Usually, bands break up and there are stories about the singer being a douche and the other guys starting a new band. That’s not us; there was no big blowup.
It was something we’d been talking about for a few months, honestly. The music business isn’t really that fun a place. It’s a lot of sit around and wait for answers from the powers that be. You’ll get told a different answer every time you ask something. It got to a point where we were just ready to try something different. We wanted to keep progressing and for our record to do well, but whoever is in charge of that wasn’t really helping us out too much.
There was also a lot of personnel turnover at the label, which made Wild & Free sit on the shelf for a while.
Yeah, it took us forever to get a release date. I still don’t know why it took so long. It was a real bummer and kind of embarrassing. We were just sitting around at home doing nothing. It really took a toll on us, and we were bummed out. We had a great record, and then it didn’t really do anything when it did come out. You kinda go, “Well it’s not us! What happened?” Plus, we had been sitting at home for so long that our management couldn’t really work with us anymore. It was kind of expected; we hadn’t done much over the last year. We’re still great friends with our manager. We’re lucky he stuck around as long as he did. Once that decision was made, it made us think about doing other things.