My Chemical Romance's Gerard Way Reminisces About "Danger Days" Album

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My Chemical Romance recently announced that the band had broken up.
"Danger Days... Ahhh @steverigh... so much fun to record this intro. He showed up already dressed as Dr D...
The "...thought you was Batman" line is prob one of my favs I ever wrote...followed by my best Patti Smith impression on the bridge.
Some of the guitars in Na Na Na are actually keyboard guitar samples that we called "Black Metal Guitars"
Lots of use of the word "pigs" on this album...
Last chorus harmonies on "Bulletproof" were stacked to sound like @stryperband. Rich Costey and I orig concieved them during CW mixing.
Hahaha..."Planetary" is fucking awesome. Control room was like a rave when we did it. Prob the most "bold claims" of any lyrics I've written.
My fav memory of "Only Hope" is dedicating it to a girl who was at a show via @Makeawish.
John Miceli played the shit out of these drums... and Wookie too.
"Party Poison"- Airi did an amazing job with the Japanese. She is also the BLI woman in the videos...
"Save Yourself".Fav lyric of all time is on this- "It's ain't about all the friends you made, but the graffiti they write on your grave".Ha!
Also the best use of "You Motherfucker" ever. Hands down. Come at me.
Hard to think during "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W" you in. Song is about atomic war and the lie you would tell your child getting to shelter.
Wow.."Summertime" sounds fucking great. So far "Summertime" has the best vocal sound on the album... a feeling this is going to be the best song on the album. DESTROYA is a workout live, but also the one where I am most in-tune with my body and emotionally out of control
Wow..."Kids..". All of the sounds are vintage analog by Jamie M. He also used a sample from his youth he had been holding onto for 30 years. "Kids.." Clearly the best song on the album. Should have been the first single.
Great outro by Steve...National Anthem!
Vampire $- The perfect end credits to the film.
Shit.. I'm real mad about 'Twilight' on this...
DXD in closing- Hypervibrant batshit craz.Some people don't get it-that's ok. Love even more now than when it was finished. KIDS is the best."