Musicians Respond To Boston Marathon Bombing

Musicians have taken to Twitter to express their condolences about today's tragic event, some of which can be found by clicking read more.
My thoughts are with Boston. One of my favorite cities in the world. Stay strong <3
— Cassadee Pope (@CassadeePope) April 15, 2013
All my love to those affected in the bombing today. So many loved ones out there. My thoughts are with you Boston.
— Taylor Jardine (@TayJardine) April 16, 2013
This sort of thing puts life's problems into perspective. Hold the ones you love extra close tonight if you’re able. Stay strong Mass!
— Rian Dawson (@riandawson) April 15, 2013
My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in the city of Boston and all of those affected by this terrible incident.
— Justin Timberlake(@jtimberlake) April 15, 2013
thoughts and prayers to everyone in terrible.stay safe, everyone.
— Mark Hoppus (@markhoppus) April 15, 2013
Wow. Just wow. So sorry to hear about people effected in the Boston Marathon explosion. You're in our thoughts & prayers.
— Mindy White (@mindywhite) April 15, 2013
thoughts and prayers to those affected in boston. love you boston, mass.
— Sean from Yellowcard (@smackinyc) April 15, 2013
Thoughts go out to Boston xx
— Ed Sheeran (@edsheeran) April 15, 2013
Thoughts and Prayers to Everyone in Boston
— Joel Madden (@JoelMadden) April 15, 2013
Heartbreaking to hear what is currently happening in Boston. Awful.
— Chuck Comeau (@chuckcomeau) April 15, 2013
Boston's a great city full of strong people. Support one another. Love you all.
— Alexander William (@AlexAllTimeLow) April 15, 2013
My thoughts go out to you Boston. You have always been one of my favorite cities to play. Look out for each other. I love you
— Brian Logan Dales (@brianlogandales) April 15, 2013