Eisley Launch Kickstarter To Fund Touring

A video message and a statement from the band can be found by clicking read more. Pledges can be made here.
Currents will be released on May 28th through Equal Vision Records. Dates for the band's upcoming summer tour can be found here.
Those of you who have been following along already know that 2012 brought enormous change for us. There were so many ‘firsts’ for us last year that we can hardly count them. On the music side, we self-recorded and produced the first Eisley record since the early EP's. We are so excited our new album, titled CURRENTS, will be released MAY 28TH, 2013! Pre-Order our new record here. One the personal side, four of Eisley's five members just had the blessing of welcoming beautiful children into the world.
Amidst these crazy-incredible changes in our lives, we also want you to know that our musical careers aren’t slowing down one bit. We want to release our new record, do a ton of touring with some of our (and your) favorite bands, and bring our live show’s to a new level while simultaneously bringing that show to new faces all over the world.
Eisley has dedicated the last 15 years (over half of most of our lives) to you, the fans – giving you 4 full-length albums, 10 EP’s, and over 23 full-length tours covering a huge part of the world. Let us explain what we have planned for our future, and why we made this kickstarter.
We have ambitious plans for touring in 2013 and beyond. We expect this upcoming album to be our most successful record yet, and we want to be able to play in front of every single person that will to listen to us. This includes all of our fans in the U.S., as well satisfying relentless requests for us to play for our fans overseas. Specifically, we will be supporting Say Anything on their Rarities Tour this Summer (See dates). But, this is going to be more difficult than ever, since we not only have to support ourselves on these tours, but we have four beautiful new mouths to feed, safely transport, and care for. This means we no longer have the luxury of being able to suck it up, hop in a 15-passenger van and have a care-free, fun time with you all on the road. Our future, which we want to spend with you, requires the use of safer, but more expensive means of transportation.
Most of these costs fall directly on us, Eisley’s band members. We adore spending time on the road with you guys, meeting our amazing fans, as well as spending years of our lives creating music for you. That’s why we want your help to make sure that we can tour on this album as much, and to as many places as possible! This project will help fund all of our touring efforts for our upcoming album, until our next record is released.
Eisley has grown to be known for our honest, and impactful shows. We have had a long-growing desire to progress our live shows to a level beyond what our fans expect. For years we have been told stories of people being deeply affected by our live shows. But – simply speaking – we want to heighten that experience to new levels. And it can cost a significant amount of money to accomplish these goals, which we hope will affect you, the fans, directly and intimately. The money from this project will go, first and foremost, to funding the tours that we have planned for this album cycle - If we receive pledges beyond our goal, they will help us expand our live shows and rule way more.
This project isn’t just about us. Our team and us have spent countless hours coming up with really unique rewards that you’ll receive for pledging to our cause. We are a unique band, with unique fans – and you deserve the best we’ve got! Here’s the some of the stuff we’ve come up with, and why you want it.
[ONLINE SHOW] For $1, you can have access to a private, live acoustic show that we will perform online, just for you and the other people who pledge. In this show, we will be playing the entirety of our first album Room Noises from start to finish. After the show, we will be sticking around to answer your questions in a live chat. Hang out with us.
[POLAROID] This is an opportunity for us to share a unique little piece of our lives with you. We will take a completely original polaroid of us, our lives, or something that inspires us. The band will sign this polaroid, and mail it to you. These are bound to get fun and creative. Hopefully this can be another small piece of our lives that we can share with you.
[KICKSTARTER EP] We are putting together an exclusive Kickstarter EP. This EP will be a collection of 3-4 unreleased recordings, just for our backers. These songs wont be available anywhere else.
[BACKER-ONLY SHIRT] Exclusive shirt by us & our art director. We're working on the specific design for the shirt now. We are pretty sure you wont be disappointed!
[BACK-ONLY CARDIGAN] Again, this is an exclusive cardigan. So, you can only get it by backing this project. We think it'll be awesome. Final designs to come.
[PAST DEMOS] We've had tons of songs that we have loved in the past - some of these songs made in onto our albums, and for various reasons, some didn't. This is a chance to hear some of those songs that didn't get to see the light of day (until now), and to hear how some of your favorite songs were birthed into this world. It's a unique opportunity to see how these creations began their lives, and how they transformed into the songs you have grown to love. Will be distributed digitally after the project is finished.
[HANDWRITTEN LYRIC SHEETS] Handwritten & and signed lyric sheets from your favorite Eisley song, written by the author/s of the song. These should look sweet framed.
[GUEST LIST] We think this will be a great opportunity to get to know each other on a personal level. Here's what this will look like: Your name (+1 guest) will be put on our guest list. You will be able to get in and watch our sound check, and after that we will hangout, you can grab a free shirt, and if we're able, we'll go get coffee together. Of course, then we'll bring you back with us to see our show! We expect this to be a great time. We look forward to seeing you!
[COVERS] Pretty simple - we'll record a cover of any song that you want us to. We love revisiting amazing works by other artists, and we think you will too. We're interested to see what songs you pick!
[HOUSE SHOW] We love you, and will come to your house and play an acoustic show for you and whoever you wish to invite. We'll hang out, play our set, and making an evening out of this that we will both remember. We'll talk with out about finding a date that works for both of us (if possible, we'll schedule this when we're on tour through your town).
[CUSTOM LAROSE GUITAR] This one is amazing. You will get a custom art guitar from Larose. This is a hand-built guitar, made with the utmost care and attention, with intricate hand draw artwork by Sherri DuPree-Bemis, and Chauntelle D'Agostino.
Some of the stuff you might want to see first:
So, this art guitar - we think - is positively awesome. Larose Guitars has been making amazing handmade and custom instruments for decades now. Eisley has played Larose guitars almost exclusively for years now, so we can personally attest to the amazing skill and craftsmanship that goes into making these instruments. Each of these guitars will have unique hand-drawn artwork by Eisley's members Sherri Bemis, Chauntelle D'Agostino, and Stacy King covering practically the entire guitar. All of the guitars will be hand signed by the entire band, and the art + signatures will be sealed under a finish that preserves the art. These guitars are beautiful, but make no mistake that they are built to be PLAYED. As such, they should play exceptionally well, and sound just as good as they look. These are worth every penny, in our opinions, and will likely only grow in value. We're only making 10 of these babies.
The particular model we are offering is the LaRose "Classic Jazz" model. This guitar is based from the guitar that Sherri Bemis has played live for many years (you can sneak a few shots of it in our video above). All of the artwork will be unique to each guitar, so no two guitars will be exactly alike. Here are some technical specs on the guitar:
Body: Alder or Ash
Neck: Maple
Fret Board: Madagascar Rosewood
Dot Inlays
Pickups: Lollar Jazzmasters
Make sure to Check out the LaRose Guitars website for the other awesome stuff he offers.
There you have it. We can’t wait to get back on the road and see every one of your faces on tour. We thank you in advanced for all of the loving support that you guys give, as well as your contributions.
Sherri Bemis
Stacy King
Chauntelle D’Agostino
Weston DuPree
Garron DuPree