ATP! Presents: Mariel's Closet (April 2013)

Each month, Mariel will be speaking about DIY fashion, beauty tips and style inspiration. Do you know any totally awesome DIY fashion projects or must-know beauty tips? Drop Mariel an e-mail at and your idea could be featured in next month's column!
We finally just got back from our 5-week, ATP-sponsored March Radness Tour. Five weeks on the road is kind of a lot and it really helped me create a big list of things I need that I always forget to bring on tour – like my toothbrush or band aids for when I inevitably buy shoes that kill my feet (I always come home with more clothes/accessories than I started with). Also, I always forget Advil – that should be number one on the list. Tour is sometimes like a constant headache with all that loud music.
Anyway, one unusually essential thing that I bring is clear nail polish. I know I’m not spending a lot of time doing and redoing my nails when they chip from playing guitar constantly (and also biting them) but it’s WAY more useful than that. Here are some reasons why, in my opinion, everybody should have a bottle of clear nail polish handy.
1. For your nails: Obviously, it makes your manicure shiny and longer-lasting.
2. For cheap jewelry: Ever buy the cutest ring but it starts turning your fingers green? Coat the inside of the band with a small layer of clear nail polish and your finger will never turn green again. Also coat jewelry in a layer of polish to prevent it from tarnishing or to help restore old costume jewelry.
3. For ripped tights: If you see a run starting to form in your tights, put a small dab of clear nail polish where the run is starting. It will prevent it from getting worse. Also, if you’ve already ruined your tights, put a dab at the top and bottom of an already small tear to prevent it from ripping more.
4. For allergies: I haven’t personally tried this, but many swear by it. If you are allergic to certain metals and can’t wear certain earrings, try coating the stud in a thin layer of clear nail polish. This should prevent irritation.
5. For you guitar: some people care about the finish of their guitar, but mine’s so dented it no longer really matters to me. My friend in high school also used this method to cover up a scratch on her parent’s car so she wouldn’t get in trouble. Find a permanent marker in a color that matches the finish of your guitar (or car). Color in the scratch, then coat with a thin layer of clear nail polish to mimic the glossy finish. It will only work on small scratches, but it works!
6. For strengthening screws: Want to strengthen the hold of a screw? Coat it in clear nail polish. Screw it in before the polish dries and it will add extra durability and hold.
7. For handwritten labels: If you are writing labels on masking tape and don’t want the marker to smear off on your clothes (like how we label our merch at our shows) paint a thin layer of clear nail polish over the text.
8. For threading a needle: If you’re having trouble threading a needle, put a dab of clear nail polish on the end of the string you want to thread.
9. For shoe laces: If you don’t want the ends of your shoelaces to fray once the tiny plastic piece has worn away, dip the ends in clear nail polish.
10. For waterproof matches: If you’re camping, put a VERY thin layer on the part of the match that ignites. When you swipe your match, it should light and you won’t have to worry about soggy matches; however, method may make them more difficult to light.
11. For preventing rust: If you’re finding that the bottom of your shaving cream bottle or the like beginning to rust, scrub the rust off and coat it in clear nail polish to prevent more rust from forming.
Do you guys know of any cool uses for clear nail polish?