ATP! Album Review: Fall Out Boy - Save Rock And Roll

Save Rock And Roll starts with ‘The Phoenix,’ the video for which was recently released and includes Patrick losing his hand and the whole band being abducted in a “WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?!?” type storyline. It’s a punchy opener and sets the album up for a whole lot of rage filled guitar anthems.
In a brave choice of track listing, the second track is first single ‘My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up).’ Putting the two singles first could cause some to switch off after the first two tracks if that’s all they’re concerned on hearing. If you have any sense though, you’ll obviously play it until the very end.
One thing that wasn’t overly expected from Fall Out Boy’s latest offering was the amount of guest vocalists on the album. ‘The Mighty Fall’ features Big Sean - yes the same guy who featured on Justin Bieber’s ‘As Long As You Love Me’ - who honestly seems out of place and doesn’t really fit with the rest of the song, which is otherwise brilliant. In fact, most of the features seem a bit pointless. What even is Courtney Love on about in ‘Rat A Tat,’ let alone ripping off Britney’s infamous “It’s Britney Bitch” line? The track itself continues the rest of the album with it’s poppy, upbeat chorus before Courtney appears all out of context. Fortunately these "special appearances" haven’t ruined the songs all too much and Fall Out Boy pull it out of the bag with their signature metaphorically gifted lyrics and big choruses.
‘Death Valley’ reminds us all just how powerful Patrick Stump's vocal chords are as they push out every word with a charismatic tone. There’s a bizarre little bit of dubstep towards the end of the track that seems a little unnecessary, but before you have time to ponder too much over it you’re thrown right back into the anthemic chorus.
The album closes on the title track, ‘Save Rock And Roll,’ which has more of a rock ballad vibe, with a piano melody forming the basis of the tune. Oh and what’s that? That’s Elton John popping up, possibly the only featured artist that somehow blends with the edgy Fall Out Boy sound (maybe because it is Elton John and you just can’t criticize that man). It’s not a duet that was expected but it’s really quite epic. It’s the sort of song you’d hear in a big stadium concert, which we can only imagine is next on the list of things for Fall Out Boy to do.
As for the rest of the album there are plenty of “WOAH OH”’s and hand claps to go around, which are particularly evident in 'Young Volcanoes.' Over the years Fall Out Boy have mastered the pop-rock sound and know exactly how to pen a song and turn it into an incredible live experience. Save Rock and Roll is an album full to the brim with distorted, melodious goodness, which has been crafted into a record that is guaranteed to sound just as insane live as it can blasting through the stereo.
Tamsyn Wilce
Save Rock and Roll will be released on April 16th via Island.