ATP! Interview: The Ready Set

Alter The Press: You started your tour with Outasight on Valentine’s Day, right?
Jordan Witzgreuter: Yeah!
ATP: That’s the best way to spend that holiday! I wish I could have been there!
Jordan: Yeah, it was super fun! I don’t really like Valentine’s Day very much so, so yeah, it was one of the better ways.
ATP: Exactly, you got to spend it with all your fans!
Jordan: Exactly, exactly.
ATP: So, what can fans expect from this tour?
Jordan: The whole lineup is kind of diverse, I think. It's an interesting fit, so it’s cool. It’s more that everyone is high energy and it has this whole party vibe. So it’s very fun, very cool. It’s a good one to come out to.
ATP: Awesome! So there’s no lull that sometimes happens when a band comes out and brings it down a little bit? You just keep going and partying?
Jordan: Yeah, I don’t think so. It’s all pretty upbeat stuff.
ATP: Do you look forward to anything in particular on this tour?
Jordan: Yeah! We haven’t gotten to go to Los Angeles or Seattle in a really long time, so I’m really excited about both of those. We just haven’t had a chance to get to the West Coast in a really long time so those should be great.
ATP: You’re supposed to release another album this year. How’s that coming along?
Jordan: Good! Good. It’s not done, I’m finishing it when I get back from this tour and it’ll hopefully be turned around really quickly so we can get it out as soon as possible. I’m definitely sick of waiting.
ATP: [Laughs] It’s okay, take your time! It’s better to make it amazing and everything you want, right? I’m sure the fans will appreciate it.
Jordan: Yeah, hopefully!
ATP: You released an EP last year, but your last full-length came out in 2010. Did you worry at all about not putting out a full-length for so long?
Jordan: No, I haven’t really thought about it too much. I think EPs are just as good as full-lengths and at this point I really don’t think anybody cares too much. I think as long as new songs are coming out, especially in this day and age. You know, the more stuff, the better.
ATP: I think I heard something about how you have like, 60 songs. Are you having a hard time figuring out what you want to add to the release?
Jordan: Kind of, yeah. There’s a lot that I finish and then a couple of weeks later I don’t like them anymore, so definitely a lot of that. I’m still writing a little bit, trying to get something a little better if I can.
ATP: Does that happen often? That you write something and then a couple weeks later don’t like it?
Jordan: Yeah, it happens a lot actually. I’ll think something’s great and I’ll get really passionate and then later on go back and listen to it with a new perspective and really that it’s not that good.
ATP: [Laughs] I’m sure it’s great! You must just be your own worst critic.
Jordan: Yeah, definitely.
ATP: You did a song for Taylor Swift, so would you ever consider doing a collaboration with her?
Jordan: Yeah, yeah! That’d be awesome! I’d love that!
ATP: Let's see if we can get Taylor in on that, get it trending on Twitter. Hashtag Taylor work with The Ready Set!
Jordan: Yeah, for real! [Laughs]
ATP: You also said on The Gunz Show that you’d like to do a free acoustic EP to release on top of the full length. Were you thinking about rerecording some of your older tunes acoustically or doing new songs? Or maybe a mix of both?
Jordan: I was just going to do songs that are brand new and completely their own thing. They probably won’t be turned into full band songs at all. They will just be acoustic for the EP more than likely.
ATP: And are those the songs you’re playing on your meet and greets for your VIPs?
Jordan: Well, a lot of them aren’t written yet. I’m going to write it while I’m out here on this tour and then lay it down when I get back, but yeah, we do the little three song acoustic set to try and make the VIP worth the money to do just because I go out to meet the people after the shows anyway so I wanted to make it something special.
ATP: Which one of your songs would you use to introduce yourself to a new fan that shows what you’re all about?
Jordan: I’d probably say something new, but I don’t really know, honestly. I don’t feel like I’ve written that one definite song yet that shows off what I do. I think that’s still kind of in the process of happening, so I don’t really know.
ATP: And my last question, I have to ask, because you said you wouldn’t mind going out on Warped, and they’re still making their band announcements so can we cross our fingers and hope to see your name make the list?
Jordan: Maybe! I don’t know. We haven’t planned on it but it’s still a possibility if we have the time to get it right. We’ll see.
- Victoria Patneaude