ATP! Presents: Mariel's Closet (February 2013)

Each month, Mariel will be speaking about DIY fashion, beauty tips and style inspiration. Do you know any totally awesome DIY fashion projects or must-know beauty tips? Drop Mariel an e-mail at and your idea could be featured in next month's column!
It’s unbelievably cold and rainy in New Jersey. Actually, one of our last shows was cancelled because of a full-on blizzard. But the good news (for me at least) is that I’m heading to warmer states this week on Alter The Press' March Radness Tour -- and if it's still cold by the time I come home, that proves that Mother Nature really needs to stop drinking so much. For all of you who are still stuck freezing your bottoms off, it doesn't hurt to bring in a little spring cheer to help make the last stretch of winter more bearable.
When I think spring, I think of flowers and warmness and sun, so I’ve been really into flower crowns. They ooze this calm, ethereal, childlike vintage vibe that I just love. Much like the daisy chains you recall stringing together in your youth, you can actually make a flower crown that’s perfectly wearable in your everyday life, inexpensive and won’t wilt after a day spent on the porch waiting for the lemon juice in your hair to finally give you highlights.
To make your flower crown, visit your local craft store and purchase the following materials:
Floral Wire
Floral Tape
Silk Flowers
Step 1
Use the floral wire to create a circle that fits around your head comfortably. To make it extra sturdy, you’re going to want to use more than one piece of wire and wrap them around each other.
Step 2
Choose the direction you want your flowers to go around the crown, then cut most of the stem off your first flower. Secure it by wrapping floral wire tightly around the remaining portion of the stem and the crown. Use pliers to wrap it extra tightly and cut excess wire.
Step 3
Now that your first flower is tightly attached to the crown, repeat this process by laying flowers side-by-side, next to each other. The stems should overlap, but the blooms should not. Continue this process until flowers line the entire crown.
Step 4
Use floral tape to wrap any wire that is still exposed – you wouldn't want that poking into your skull.
Step 5
Wear and enjoy!
Remember that you can make your crown as wearable or whimsical as you want. If you want something that will fit into your everyday life, spread out the blooms on the crown to expose more wire and pick smaller flowers with muted colors. If you’re looking for a bolder statement choose different types of brightly colored flowers and space them closely together.