Albums That Changed My Life: Shane Told (Silverstein)

The band will release their long-awaited new album "This Is How The Wind Shifts," on February 5th through Hopeless Records. Pre-orders can be found here.
Don't forget, Silverstein are currently out on their first headlining tour of 2013. All dates and ticket information can be found here.

When I was only about 9 years old, "One" singlehandedly made me want to play music. The rapid fire ending just made me go crazy the first time I heard it. I didn't even know what it was, drums or guitar or bass (turns out it was all 3) but I had to be able to make that sound myself. I would have never picked up a guitar if it wasn't for this album.

After getting very into metal at an early age, I saw the video for "Stickin' In My Eye" on MuchMusic (Canada's version of MTV). Immediately I loved the aggressiveness of it without it being so serious and intentionally over the top dark. I looked everywhere for this CD and when I finally found it, it was an import and $27.99 at HMV. I had to save my allowance, but I definitely got my money's worth in the end.

Buried Alive - Death Of Your Perfect World
For me this record bridged everything I loved about metal and punk rock, and introduced me to hardcore. It has such a distinctive sound to it, and you can tell the band recording it was so excited about the music they were creating. It's still probably my favorite hardcore record of all time.

Another record that showed me another side of punk rock. I wasn't so into the early "emo" movement at first, but Lifetime was a gateway band for me. They were fast as hell and aggressive, but had a soft side and a certain distorted beauty no other band had - and no one has had since.

I always liked all the Beatles songs I heard my parents playing as a kid growing up, but I didn't really know about their later stuff until I found this LP in a bargain bin for $1. When I heard it I was blown away. They found a perfect mixture of experimentation and great songwriting, and really opened my mind to using different sounds and styles together. Every time I listen to this record I still hear something new I never noticed before.