Tyler Carter Releases Christmas Song "Make It Snow"

You can also find the lyrics for the track below.
New York City at this time of year never felt so hard to breathe
Got my eggnog and Henny and a little Christmas cheer
Baby ima start the fire wait right here
You can call me jack frost when I send shivers up your spine
I'm sorry for being naughty let me make up for lost time
Those dimples in ya back both need a kiss kiss
I wanna give you everything on ya wishlist
Hold ya body, post up, making snow angels in a blanket of love
Make it snow cause we've been so cold make it snow
Baby we got all of the lights down low, Let it snow
Set the mood red green blue lights is blinking on the tree while I'm getting close to
you burning candles meanwhile every time I hit that spot that you can't handle
I'm making it snow
I see the mistletoe is hanging and the Christmas bells is clanging
St. Nick on the roof, TC in the booth, and we got these cookies baking, just like the
songs I'm making, I deliver, that's why your shaking shake shaking shiver
The weather outside is frightful and this snow is so delightful so let it snow.