Attack Attack! Part Ways With Caleb Shomo; Announce New Vocalist Phil Druyor

A statement from Caleb can be found by clicking read more.
"So as you all have heard and the internet somehow revealed before i got the chance to, as john announced last week, i have also left AA. Technically i have been out of the band for about three months now, but the guys wanted to wait to announce until they had everything lined up with the new guy which i had no problem with. Honestly me and john have very similar reasons for leaving (if you all got the chance to read his amazing farewell message.) I have horrible clinical depression and have for years. as you may have heard from my speeches i gave during about the last 6 months or so of my touring career with AA i have been suicidal since middle school. I’ve struggled on and off with eating disorders, self image problems since i was announced as the frontman a few years ago, and various substance abuse and addictions for about the past year. Having thousands of people tell you your a “fat piece of shit” isn’t exactly the easiest thing to deal with at 17, and i could imagine ever. I am very scatter brained and just kinda am ranting so deal with me for this being so all over the place. I love all of the guys that have ever been involved in AA. Great dudes, very supportive as well. Starting about a year ago i started to really go into a downward spiral mentally. Having panic attacks, mental breakdowns, cutting myself off from the world for weeks at a time, writing insanely depressing songs, not too fun. I had a lot of stress in my life/demons haunting me and in no way wanted to face it head on and deal with it. As you may have guessed this doesn’t help problems in the least. 2012 has easily been the darkest year of my life overall. Its had some of the most amazing things happen (getting my life together toward the end along with getting married to my lovely wife fleur) but generally filled with a lot of pain and attempts to cope with them. I left on good terms with everyone and they were very supportive of my decision. It wasn’t easy, but trust me, if you have known me for the past year you’d be understand as well. I am still fully going to be making music. Honestly i’ll probably be making more at this point. Im also going to be doing more producing and songwriting which is a massive passion of mine. ALSO for those wondering i will still be making hardcore music. I have a new band (well not that new in reality… but new to you!) called beartooth that is a hardcore band where i will be screaming and yelling and singing and running around on a stage generally making a fool of myself and all that good stuff i did in AA. I cant tell you how much i’ll be touring or when. But i will be putting out tons of music and i definitely will be playing shows! So if you get a chance, come hang! As of now i really feel that in my life i have needed some stability and rest. this is a time for me to recoup mentally and prepare for my next chapter of life (whatever that has in store.) I also am stoked for AA. Their new singer who will be taking the role i used to play is Phil Druyor of I Am Abomination, who is about a bagillion times more awesome singer then i am if i do say so myself. From what I’ve heard while hanging out with Wetzel and Whiting (which i still do, so don’t start going around making up some stupid story that we hate each other or something like that… ya crazy kids) the new music is awesome! Very unique and still very much so AA.
Thanks for taking the time to check this out!"