ATP! Presents: Brittany Has An Appetite (December 20th, 2012)

Anyone who follows drummer Brittany Harrell (@brittanyharrell) of Georgia's pop-punk outfit, Veara on Twitter would know that her account is comprised of talk about WWE, music and things 99% food related. With that said, we invited Brittany to be a part of the Alter The Press team where each week, she will be writing a weekly blog talking about the best meals she has consumed and letting the world know about her love of food!
Last week I celebrated my 25th birthday! I like to say you're only as old as you feel and for me I've been about 17 for the past 8 years. So I reckon you could say I was celebrating my 8th anniversary of being 17, haha.
My mom decided to have our family over to the house for a spaghetti dinner. My mom makes an AWESOME spaghetti!
We first started out with a homemade salad. My mom cut up lettuce, tomatoes, cauliflower, onions, cucumbers, mushrooms, and radishes. Then she had these stuff called "Salad Topping" to sprinkle over the top. They're like little crunchy things that definitely add to the salad for sure.
She had a bunch of different salad dressings but I decided to go with one of my favorites, blue cheese! I also added parmesan cheese to my salad that she already had out to use on the spaghetti. So good!

Next up it was time to chow down on some home-made spaghetti! Im not really sure what all she puts into her spaghetti sauce but man is it good. The flavor is an explosion of "Italian" that you will never forget. I added parmesan cheese (A lot of it because I LOVE cheese) and I of course added Texas Pete. If you've never added Texas Pete hot sauce to your spaghetti you need to. It is awesome!

Now it's time for the birthday cake... or should I say birthday "cookie" cake! Yup! I had a cookie cake as my birthday cake. Now you see why I say I'm still 17? haha. I LOVE cookie cake and this cookie cake was so good! It was decorated with my favorite color which is teal and also had some yellow in there as well. The cookie cake was made at Publix grocery store. They do a great job on all of their cakes and this cookie cake was awesome! It was very soft and the icing was well... The icing on the cake!

I had an amazing birthday. All thanks to my Mom for putting together a great meal and getting our family together.