Albums That Changed My Life: Jami Morgan (Code Orange Kids)

The band are currently on tour in support of their stunning new album "Love Is Love // Return To Dust", which is out now through Deathwish Inc. All upcoming dates can be found here and our 5/5 review of Code Orange Kids' new album can be read here.

This is probably on everyone's but The Smiths are just one of those bands. Beautiful lyrics, beautiful melodies, beautiful everything. I'm done because it's all been said before but this record changed shit for me blah blah...

This is a perfect hardcore 7". This band is a really awesome example of what I would love to do with Code Orange Kids in a dream world, not necessarily musically (though it rips) but just in thought process. Heavy music that pushes boundaries with extremely introspective and thoughtful lyrics. I don't plan on succeeding but I will continue to mosh in my room to this record.

Quintessential 90's emo record shown to me by one of my best friends in the world Dominic (who plays guitar in a band we are in called Adventures). Blair [Shehan, vocals/guitar] has one of the best and most individual sounding voices in the genre and of this era. My favorite Knapsack record. Countless van singalongs.

First punk record I ever heard when I was 12. A good older friend of mine burned it on a CD and gave it to me. Reba [Meyers, vocals/guitar] and I used to jam this on the bus in middle school. Still the best. Getting to see them recently was really incredible and a bucket list thing.

This band is one of the most important hardcore bands of the last 10 years and mean a lot to me as well as obviously a bunch of other people. Picking this record might be controversial I guess but everything from the lyrics to all the interludes and interesting ways of structuring simple hardcore songs and making them meaningful has made me think a lot differently about my band and others when it comes to everything including album art and aesthetic. Amazing, heavy band that deserves all the credit in the world for doing something different, interesting and most importantly awesome.