Albums That Changed My Life: Jonny Craig

Craig recently wrapped up his first solo tour overseas in the United Kingdom and will play three shows in Southern California later this month. Dates and ticket information can be found here.
Craig David - Born To Do It // Usher - My Way
These are the CDs that got me through high school. I listened to these over and over again and these are the CDs that got me to start singing.
New Found Glory - Sticks and Stones
This is the first CD I actually owned. I played this CD until I couldn't play it anymore. This is the CD that made me want to take my style of singing and give it more of a rock feel.
Drake - Take Care // The Weeknd - House Of Balloons
These are some of my favorite albums right now. They are almost perfect. It would be a dream to collaborate with both of these artists in the future.
SoMo - My Life (mixtape)
One of the best undiscovered artists right now. Pay attention because he will be massive this time next year.