Albums That Changed My Life: Dahvie Vanity (Blood On The Dance Floor)

The band will be heading out on "The Scene Is Dead" tour this fall alongside Jeffree Star, New Years Day and Davey Suicide. All dates and ticket information can be found here.

When I first heard this album I knew I wasn't the only one out their with my perverted sense of humor and sensitive heart. To me this album brought me so much joy and it really helped me out through tough times when I felt down.

Coming from an epic adventure at night just having a few drinks among friends, Rebecca my dearest friend played me "Pretty Hate Machine" and I instantly fell in love with this album. After I bought the album on iTunes I was really inspired by NIN and really related with all of the pain that was recorded on this album. "Pretty Hate Machine" is a classic and will always capture a big part of my early party/college days.

The first music album that I ever bought! This is the record that started it all for me. After this I started to fall in love with music and everything about it. This album really helped me in a time of finding myself and to get away from my suffering. I will never forget this one!

Bright Eyes is my all time favorite band. The words, melodies, and everything about this group really captured my life. I was filled with joy and escape every time I would listen to Bright Eyes. It became my sanctuary of happiness when reality became too difficult to bare and it became the music that would help ease & rest my soul. "Lifted..." will always be the album I relate with the most.