Albums That Changed My Life: Anthony Green (Circa Survive)

The band will be heading out on tour this fall in support of their stunning new album "Violent Waves", alongside Touché Amoré, Balance and Composure and O'Brother. All dates and ticket information can be found here.

It came out the year I was born and one of my first memories of music was my parents and brothers playing this album over and over again. I knew all the lyrics to every song before I even knew what the words themselves meant. From what I was told, I would dance around the house like a little fairy and begging to listen play constantly.

This was the first CD I ever bought. My parents thought they were devil worshipers so I had to listen to it in secret mostly on the bus to and from school. I really connected with the dark energy of the songs, it was something I had never felt before.

My oldest brother got this for Christmas the year it came out and I would listen to it in his room with him and it was just as much an admiration of the music as it was for my brother. I worshiped him and anything he liked, I liked. He and I bonded over this album. I felt like the lyrics were plucked right out of the back of my mind and my emotions. I used to sing and dance to the songs in front of the mirror and pretend I was Kurt [Cobain].

Right around this time in my life I was discovering indie/rock, bands like The Get Up Kids, The Promise Ring, Jawbreaker, the list could go on and on, but nothing sounded like Braid. The sound of the guitars was so pretty and gritty all at once and the power of the dueling vocals was like nothing I had ever heard. The songs were about love but the lyrics were so clever and poetic, and the songs were so unpredictable and yet flowed in such a familiar and undeniable way. I'm still trying to replicate the feeling I get when I hear this album when I write anything, and I probably always will.