Albums That Changed My Life: Matt Arsenault (A Loss For Words)

The band are currently wrapping up their stint on this year's Vans Warped Tour then ending summer with a string of shows opening for Chiodos. All upcoming tour dates can be found here.

So I had four records to pick which is beyond hard to do so I had to throw a hardcore record on there and the reason I choose this one is because when I was in my late high school years and was seeing a lot of my friends getting into heavy drugs, dealing, stealing, fighting etc... I was sort of lost and found hardcore. This changed my life for the positive I found a place to hang out and release any emotion I felt by singing along with any band who also had the same beliefs as me along side of my best friends or just some kid I met that night. Crazy what this genre did for me. Back to this record nothing to prove I picked this because H2O is one of my favorite bands! Toby keeps the message very positive and is a stand up guy. He actually put us on their cd release show in Boston for this record and was one of the best days of my life! Can't thank them enough for being honest musicians. Who spread the positive message throughout the world! Shout out to some other bands that I grew up on American Nightmare, Bane, Reach The Sky, Converge, Cave In, Blood For Blood, Madball, DBD, Death Treat. The list is never ending!

I bought the EP they released on militia group after I heard the song permanent on MySpace (haha). I fell in love with this band! Once they released the record Phantoms I became a huge fan and would honestly say it's my favorite record front to back! Such a solid pop/rock record. Never gets old... The vocals on this record made me push to be a better singer for sure!

This record reminds me of my high school years starting a band, basement hangs, bridge jumping, skating around town, partying, etc... My childhood was amazing none the less and glad this record can be the definition of my youth! Matt and Dan have the best lyrics in my opinion. So honest and up front but coded with perfect metaphor! Thanks to the Trio for being the best!

Okay, so before I even hit my teenage years I found this record and I couldn't/still can't get enough of this record! I learned how to sing to this record! No one can do four-part harmonies like Boyz II Men. This is straight baby making music!