Alter The Press!


Albums That Changed My Life: Alexander DeLeon (The Cab)

This week's slice of "Albums That Changed My Life" goodness comes from The Cab frontman Alexander DeLeon!

The band are currently gearing up for their summer co-headline tour with Parachute. Dates and ticket information can be found here.

Disclaimer: There are so many albums that have inspired me or changed me as an artist. Even if it's in a very minimal way but a few albums really lead the pack and have significantly changed who I am as an artist, and in some ways as a person.

Justin Timberlake - Futuresex/Lovesounds

This album truly changed the way I look at music and creating it. He went against the grain, experimented, did what everyone told him not to do and in turn created one of the most uniquely crafted and sounding pop albums of all time. Justin created multiple new sounds and this album changed the whole direction of pop music. It shows that taking risks can really benefit an artist in many ways.

Michael Jackson - Thriller

Do I even have to write anything about this? One of, if not the greatest, albums of all time. It's Michael. He changed EVERYTHING! I have been singing along to this album since I was a toddler.

Queen - A Night At The Opera

My dad showed me Bohemian Rhapsody as a child and I can honestly say is it one of the songs that really started my love and passion for music. To this day I don't think I sing along louder to any other song. It is perfection. Freddie Mercury made me want to be on a stage and under bright lights.

AFI - The Art Of Drowning

A friend of mine gave me this album in middle school and it changed my life. I don't know how to describe it really. I guess when I listened to this album, I just felt like I was apart of something. A movement of sorts. Something bigger than myself. After seeing Davey Havok and co. live, I knew that I wanted to be in a band. Davey made me want to be a frontman. AFI has the the best crowd interaction I have ever seen. This was one of the first "punk" albums I ever heard and got me into the whole scene that got me to where I am today.

Alter The Press!