Stone Sour Announce New Double Album "House Of Gold And Bones"

Taylor released the following statement:
"I promised today you’d get the explanation to HoGaB. Well, today that’s exactly what you get. Got a lot of info coming- please retweet. The new Stone Sour album is a 2-part double concept album called House of Gold and Bones (HoGaB), parts 1 and 2. Part 1 will drop in Oct ’12 Part 2 will drop next year. 24 songs, 12 on each disc.
Each disc will include one half of the story- for lyrics, you’ll have to our site. Once I lock in the company who will help me put it together, there will be a comic book as well. Song titles include ‘Absolute Zero‘, ‘RU486‘, ‘A Rumor of Skin‘ and ‘Taciturn‘. Very excited for everyone to hear it! Stay tuned!! #HoGaBoctober12"