ATP! Studio Blog: Cassadee Pope (Part Three)

Alter The Press had teamed up with Cassadee, where she will be reporting in with regular blogs and giving fans an update of what is happening from the studio.
Cassadee Pope: Hey there! Since my last blog, I've finished vocals, and had Rian Dawson (All Time Low) record drums! Needless to say, it has been an extremely productive few days. On day 2 of vocals, I finished harmonies for "I Guess We're Cool" and completely finished "Told You So." I believe that every musician has one song that stands out to them. There's one song in particular that they are incredibly proud of. Vocally, I've never been as challenged as I was with the ballad, "Told You So." It is the most emotional, and demanding performance I believe I've ever done. That could sound arrogant, but I just feel so close to this song. There were moments where I wasn't sure if I should redo a line because it sounded so intimate. But thankfully I had enough encouragement from everyone to keep it as is. So expect to shed a tear or two, cause this one's a doozy!
Yesterday was drum day! Stacy Jones (American Hi-Fi singer/ Producer/ awesomest dude) let us use his studio to track. Rian came in and knocked out all four songs like it was a walk in the park. He's a damn pro. Yes, I'm biased but it's no secret the man can wail! With the real drums in place, the songs are becoming more and more organic and powerful. Tonight, we track bass. You better believe we'll be live on! Til next time <3!