ATP! Studio Blog: Cassadee Pope (Part Four)

Alter The Press had teamed up with Cassadee, where she will be reporting in with regular blogs and giving fans an update of what is happening from the studio.
Cassadee Pope: This is the home stretch!! Yesterday Andrew, Gavi, and I made some finishing touches on all 4 songs. I did some ad-libs, we recorded some claps, and then rewarded ourselves with some cupcakes. This weekend will be spent sitting with the songs and sending in whatever notes I have to Andrew. Poor guy is editing all weekend. Then the mixing fun begins! I'm having Jeff Juliano mix this EP. He mixed "Beneath It All", and I'm still blown away by his performance. These songs should sound prett-ay good once he's done with them. From here on out my job is mostly being glued to the computer. I'll be getting the digital booklet sorted out with Patrick Tracy, who did the Hey Monday "Christmas EP" artwork, listening to mixes, promoting the POO out of it, and then uploading them to Tuncore! It has most definitely been a stressful but exciting journey recording my first solo release. I'm so grateful for the fans who have stuck around and shown their unconditional support. I'm also grateful for all the people I've met over the past few years who are now helping me make this EP possible. Co-writers, websites, producers, you name it. Everyone is really coming through. Without them, I'm not sure this would've happened. So there you have it. The next blog should be me raving about how badass the mixes are sounding! YAY!