The Wonder Years To Start Writing New Album This Summer

Check out an excerpt from the feature below.
"The band will have a rare summer off this year after playing Bamboozle and a doing short run with The Early November that extends into early June. But they won’t be relaxing too much – they’ll be writing their fourth LP, which should come out on Hopeless Records in late spring or early summer next year. Recording that album will take place around an as-of-yet-announced, month-long fall tour in November or so. Campbell has already started collecting lyrics that he’s been jotting down for a while.
While we may not know what LP4 will sound like, or how the community will react to it, one thing we can bank on is that The Wonder Years will constantly try to keep moving forward. Even when you ask the band or their friends individually about where they see The Wonder Years in a couple of years, it seems like there’s a common vision in place."