Tigers Jaw Address False Rumors Regarding Ben Walsh's Absence This Weekend

"ben was at a wedding on saturday, so we played our saturday show in philadelphia without him. before we played, i called out CHIKARA wrestler and dirtbag chuck taylor, stating he’d be a coward if he didn’t show up before the end of our set to let me give him an omega driver off the stage or something.
i think the only comment i made about ben not being there was that we were down a person that day. that’s it. “news websites” (hardly…) ran a story stating that i called ben a coward if he didn’t show up, then played an awkward set. neither actually happened.
of course, none of these websites asked us for a comment, and we heard nothing about this until the “reports” were posted online.
“FACT”: i didn’t say anything these websites said.
“FACT”: i would never disclose personal///band-related issues on stage or ANYWHERE until we agreed upon it with a blood oath - something no music website will ever see or be allowed to report on, since it’s none of their business in the first place.
“FACT”: without ben, tigers jaw is dead.
“FACT”: if any of these websites want to interview ME ( about what i might have said all weekend, i’ll gladly respond and put yr shit to rest.