Roadrunner Records Europe Closing Down?

Check out several tweets from Heafy below:
"wish I knew who or what to blame specifically, and chew off it's heads - but Roadrunner records just fired some of their best employees."
"But our friends who are being tossed away so quickly by the label are now out of jobs. These people helped bands get where they are today. I don't know if it's corporate greed or it's due to the fact that no one puts value in physical art and that piracy created a domino effect."
"My heart goes out to my friends who have been delivered this awful news today. You helped us get where we are. You're in our thoughts."
When asked directly of who is being let go from the label, Heafy responded:
"uk and Canadian friends so far. A few German too. All RR international people."
The label is yet to make an official statement as of yet.