Alter The Press!


Craig Owens Releases Statement On Future Of D.R.U.G.S

Following the news yesterday of Nick Martin, Aaron Stern and Matt Good announcing they have left Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Craig Owens has now released a statement regarding the future of the band.

"I wish Nick, Aaron & Matt the best of luck in moving forward, in whatever it is that they decide to do. They are all very talented individuals and I have no doubt that they will succeed no matter what it is they choose to do next. They stood next to me during one of the most difficult times in my life and I will never be able to thank them enough for what it is that they did for me. I wish them the best of luck and I hope, most of all, that they continue to make music. They’re extremely talented and professional musicians and music fans should be treated to their talents for many years to come.

As for the future of DRUGS… I obviously have a few things to figure out as this was a completely unexpected turn of events. I will let you, the fans, know what the future holds for Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows soon.

Most of all, I will never be able to thank each and everyone of YOU! For standing behind me when I get knocked down, for sticking with me during one of the hardest moments in my life, for always being there by my side while I figure out my personal problems, and most importantly for always being there for me, no matter what the circumstance. I owe all of you more then I’ll ever be able to give back in the form of music, or a blog… but I can promise you one thing, and that is… I WILL NEVER STOP being there for you, as you have always been there for me, that I can promise you.."

Alter The Press!