Album Review: Say Anything - Anarchy, My Dear

"Anarchy, My Dear" has something for everyone touching on a range of diverse genres - from folk to epic ballads - whilst keeping it’s core firmly rooted in pop-punk. It’s also got its old school punk influences too, displaying an anti-establishment undertone throughout the record most evident in lyrics such as “I need to ask you children a question - Do you really wanna stand stiff, at attention?” and “all these kings become our clowns”.
Title-track, "Anarchy, My Dear" is a rousing punk ballad; "Admit it Again" is an incensed rant against the pretentious scene, where album opener "Burn A Miracle" is a punk classic in the making with Bemis spitting the scathing and heartfelt lyrics.
The album also features appearances from frontman Max Bemis’ other half (Sherri Dupree-Bemis of Eisley) such as the 80's inspired "Overbiter" and the charming ode, "So Good". Where others would wreak of cringeworthy awkwardness her presence is a delicate accompaniment to Bemis’ raw vocals.
The record’s intricate riffs are masterfully woven with honest and ferocious lyrics. It’s a focused, intelligent record that will most certainly grow on you.
"Anarchy, My Dear" is out now.
Chantelle "Kiki" Goodchild