The Menzingers + Tigers Jaw To Play Road To Ruin Fest

The line-up so far is as follows:
Algernon Cadwallader- Philadelphia, PA- Hot Green Records
Big Eyes- Seattle, WA -Evil Weevil/Don Giovanni Records
Captain, We're Sinking- Scranton, PA- Evil Weevil/Kind Of Like Records
Cloak/Dagger- Richmond, VA -Jade Tree Records
Creepoid - Philadelphia, PA - Phonographic Arts/No Idea Records
Diarrhea Planet - Nashville, TN - Evil Weevil/Infinity Cat Records
Dry Feet- Philadelphia Beach, PA - Evil Weevil/Burger Records
The Eeries- Philadelphia, PA - Evil Weevil Records
Everyone Everywhere- Philadelphia, PA - Evil Weevil/Tiny Engines Records
Give - Washington, DC - Painkiller/Deranged Records
The Holy Mess - Philadelphia, PA - Evil Weevil/Red Scare Records
Iron Chic - Long Island, NY - Dead Broke Records
Luther - Philadelphia, PA - Black Numbers Records
LVL UP- Purchase, NY- Evil Weevil/Double Double Whammy Records
Marvelous Darlings- Toronto, CAN - Grave Mistake Records
The Menzingers- Philadelphia/Scranton, PA- Epitaph Records
Night Birds- Brooklyn, NY - Grave Mistake Records
Night Sins- Philadelphia, PA- Evil Weevil Records
Nuclear Santa Claust - New York, NY - Don Giovanni Records
Pissed Jeans - Allentown/Philadelphia, PA - Sub Pop Records
Rational Animals- Rochester, NY- Katorga Works
Secret Police- New Brunswick, NJ - Don Giovanni Records
Spook Houses- Ridgewood, NJ - Evil Weevil Records
Stable Boys- Philadelphia, PA- Evil Weevil/Ranch Records
Tigers Jaw- Scranton, PA - Run For Cover Records
Very Happy - Philadelphia/West Chester, PA - Excitement Cat Records