ATP! Presents: Brittany Has An Appetite (February 8th, 2012)

Anyone who follows drummer Brittany Harrell (@brittanyharrell) of Georgia's pop-punk outfit, Veara on Twitter would know that her account is comprised of talk about WWE, music and things 99% food related. With that said, we invited Brittany to be a part of the Alter The Press team where each week, she will be writing a weekly blog talking about the best meals she has consumed and letting the world know about her love of food!
Millions of Americans have Super Bowl Parties... My family has a Puppy Bowl Party!
For those of you that don't know the "Puppy Bowl" comes on Animal Planet the same time as the Super Bowl. It's a bunch of puppies (that are up for adoption) That are playing with toys and each other in a small replica of a football stadium. They have commentators, a referee, spectators, a "hamster" blimp, and even a Kitty cat half-time show!
My family have been watching this ever since it started about 8 years ago. We even started throwing our own little party for it!
This year we celebrated the "Puppy Bowl" with Marcos Pizza. Marcos Pizza is a chain Pizza place that just came to my town about half a year ago. It's good pizza!
We ordered 3 large pizzas. We had 2 Thin Crust Pepperoni and 1 Thin Crust Deluxe Uno pizza.

The Thin Crust Deluxe Uno Pizza was my favorite. Don't get me wrong, the pepperoni was awesome but that deluxe was so good! The toppings really stood out. I reckon that's because the crust was thin so the dough wasn't over powering. All the ingredients tasted so fresh! It was also very nice and crispy which I love in a pizza.
For some "sides" to go with our pizza we had an order of their buffalo wings and bleu cheese dressing.

The wings were great. The best part about them to me was the buffalo sauce. It tasted awesome. It had a nice kick without it being too hot but enough bite to give your lips a good tingle. That's what I always look for in a buffalo sauce and this did it for me!
We also had couple of their Italian subs that we cut up into small little sandwiches.

I was pleasantly surprised with the sub! The sub bread was made out of their pizza dough which was excellent. It was also toasted and on it along with the meats and cheeses was a nice Italian dressing. Very tasty! I should also mention that the sub had banana peppers on it. I thought this was a very nice touch as well :)

All in all, Our Puppy Bowl Party was a success! You cant go wrong with pizza, wings, and subs on game day! Haha. I should also mention that in the Puppy Bowl, I was cheering for "Aberdeen". Go Aberdeen!!