Albums That Changed My Life: Mike Hranica (The Devil Wears Prada)

The band are currently touring across the UK in support of their new album, "Dead Throne" and have recently announced they will be spending their summer on the Rockstar Mayhem Festival.

The work of Joy Division serves as a huge inspiration to what I try to incorporate into my own music, and for the most part, I lend "Unknown Pleasures" predominant credit for being most relatable in song and lyric.

Something I find most genius about "Out of Step" is the incomparable amount of sincerity packed into the songs, all by angry kids with something to say. Not only did they believe what they said, but they continued to grow outside of Minor Threat and mature past the ignorance that barricades most involved in hardcore nowadays.

Even though I could never name a favorite full length from Converge, I usually call "Last Light" my favorite song in the world. Don't get me started on any Converge albums because it's likely I'll talk forever: attempting to discover the brilliance of Kurt Ballou and what he does with guitars.

Even being a notably young record, I have to mention "High Violet". This album's linguistics and sounds have an indescribable way of getting to me. I wish there was a better way I could describe my helpless admiration of this band and LP.

If I'm listening to something modern, emotional, and heavy- there is more than likely a link between what I'm listening to and American Nightmare. "Background Music" captured something not only true and real, but something that most cannot capture even now.