Stacy King (Eisley) Announces New Solo Project + Debut Album

King made the following statement:
"I'm proud to announce that today we are putting the very final touches on my first solo venture, which we are calling Sucré. The album was made over the course of two years with my friend Jeremy Larson and my husband Darren King. With no motive other than creating music that we would love to listen to, we emailed ideas back and forth, and met up at Jeremy's studio in Missouri as often as we could.
From the first time I heard Jeremy's wonderful string compositions, I wanted to sing to them. I felt that he was doing something really beautiful and unique, and it took me a while to get up the courage to ask him to collaborate with me. To my surprise, he was actually thinking the same thing. Among many things, Jeremy and I had this in common- my husband Darren was our favorite drummer. Thankfully, he was readily available. It was such a joy to get to write with him for the first time!
This record is very close to my heart, and I really tried to push myself musically and vocally. It's amazing how much you learn about yourself by making a record. It's certainly the most vulnerable I've ever felt making an album.
The album, comprised of 11 songs, will be available to everyone Tuesday, April 10th, 2012. The only thing left for me to do is decide on a name for the album- that's always the hardest part for me.
It's going to be tough for me to wait until April to let everyone hear this album. In the next couple of months I'll be making music videos for these songs and recording a new Eisley album with my siblings.
I'll be uploading pictures, sneak peeks and videos here from now until the album comes out. Who knows, I may even give away a song or two : ) You can also get updates by following me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (user name: Stacyking88).
Stacy King"