The Maine To Announce Huge US Spring Tour + 5th Year Anniversary Plans

Kirch released the following statement:
"Hey everyone Pat here 2011 is about a wrap and we are ready to get started with 2012 (our last year on earth) Last year was great but rather than look back I am very excited for what this next year will have in store. We are inching up on the five year anniversary of our band where we will have a special present for all of you for sticking with us. We will be releasing our first music video for a song on Pioneer, more music, a big spring U.S tour and more touring around the world going back to the places we have seen and experiencing more of the world than ever before. We have one more show on the Pioneer tour in Tempe, AZ and then a headlining show in Dublin, IR then we start a 3 week U.K tour and then finish February out with headlining shows in Europe make sure to grab all of our tickets asap
We have another week or so at home which will be great and much needed because we don’t plan on taking much of a break this year we want to bring Pioneer to everyone who wants to hear it. Speaking of Pioneer you can get the album right now on Amazon for only $5 we are very proud of this album and want as many people to check it our as possible so tell your friends tell your parents tell your pets to grab it right HERE while you can get it for cheap.
Also our friends over at Buzznet are hosting a poll to find out what your favorite song on Pioneer is so CLICK HERE to let your voice be heard. Hope all is well with everyone be very safe tonight people are crazy. Watch out for your butts peoples…
I can not thank you all enough for everything you are making our dreams come true everyday. See your faces very soon!!!