The Maine Release 5th Anniversary Statement + "Daisy" Live Acoustic Version

"Today is the fifth year anniversary of The Maine. How are we still a band?? When we started this band I could not think that far ahead and looking back we have done way more than I could have dreamed of. I am writing this from England, hell five years ago I didn’t even know bands from the U.S played in other places. You will be hearing this a lot from me today but THANK YOU. Not just like a thank you so much for supporting our band blahh blahh blahh I really mean it. I would be in college right now hating my life if I didn’t have you all supporting what we do. I do not have the words to say how much that really means. It is so easy to forget that this is all because of you guys but it is days like this when I think about what we are able to do and why we are able to do it and I am forever thankful.
There will be some surprises today and on tuesday for all of you. I attached a live acoustic version of Daisy that I hope you all enjoy. Daisy was the first song we ever recorded. I loved that time of our band we had no clue what we were doing we just recorded songs and played shows. Well anyways this is a big moment for our band. We are still a band after five years. Here is to many many more years to come and more music.
Thanks for listening."
The live acoustic version of 'Daisy' can be streamed here