The Bigger Lights To Go On Hiatus?

"We have talked about formal ways of saying it, or talking about it or whatever, but its just too hard to describe. The industry & timing really kicked our bands butt and it was so frustrating for all the years we were touring. We came to a point as adults where it just didn’t make sense to continue to approach TBL the way we always had. TBL is no longer anyones priority, but it holds an enormous place in all of our hearts. Its incredibly sad because we (the members) love TBL & its supporters more than anything. We all remain friends and keep close contacts with each other and we still care about each other like a family. We have, and in my opinion, never will dismiss the idea of making more music together at some point, in some fashion, down the line because I really truly believe that our chemistry as a band is something magical, but like i said, it is no longer our full time priority. So please treasure everything that we have released and worked so very hard on creating for all of you because those pieces of art mean more to us than anything (Battle Hymn especially).
As for me personally, I will never stop making music in some capacity (& i’m sure none of the other TBL members will either), its just who we are. We are all in different parts of the country right now with different priorities, but who knows what the future might bring. I have been listening to a lot of pop and country and have been pretty inspired by life, its signs, religion, family, and a wonderful girl, so maybe some great stuff will come out of that.
I really truly miss seeing all of your faces on tour, at shows, and at meet & greets. You all are like family to me and I don’t want that to change. I am sorry it took so long for us to post about anything, but we just didn’t even know how to describe it… i still don’t haha… i’m just doing my best so i don’t keep all of you in the dark. Please keep in contact and keep up with all of us as individuals to see what great things we will do next.