ATP! Presents: Brittany Has An Appetite (January 24th, 2012)

Anyone who follows drummer Brittany Harrell (@brittanyharrell) of Georgia's pop-punk outfit, Veara on Twitter would know that her account is comprised of talk about WWE, music and things 99% food related. With that said, we invited Brittany to be a part of the Alter The Press team where each week, she will be writing a weekly blog talking about the best meals she has consumed and letting the world know about her love of food!
We celebrated my "Nana's" Retirement from her job at Kroger this past Saturday. She has been working there for 31 years and at 68 years old it's definitely time to call it quits! My family threw her a party at this place in Evans, GA called "Be My Guest". They're a catering company that hosts events such as this one and they also do a lunch buffet during the week.
If I hear the word "Party" I immediately think about food. For my Nanas retirement party you know we had some great food going on! All the food was made by "Be Guest" and we also had a cake and that was made by a local bakery called "Piece of Cake".
All the food was set up in "buffet" style. The first food item in line was a "Nacho Cheese meat dip" served with tortilla chips.

This was decent. I reckon Im a little biased because my Aunt Tena makes a homemade meat dip that blows this one out of the water, haha. Next in line was a deep fried crispy Green Beans served with a Wasabi cream type sauce.

These were awesome! They were one of my favorites of the night. The wasabi was a lot hotter than I thought it would be too. This was a plus for me because I love spicy!
Followed by the crispy green beans was a chicken salad that was served with these little wonton "scoop" things.

This was quite enjoyable as well. The consistency was very good. I find that sometimes there isn't enough chicken but this one had just the right amount. However, my Mom makes a homemade chicken salad that would blow this one out of the water! (Go Mom!)
They had a nice Vegetable tray set out with assorted vegetables and dips. This was very refreshing in-between all the other foods.

In the center of the buffet was a carving station along w/ bread and condiments. They actually had 3 meats to choose from. They had ham, turkey, and roast beef (Not Pictured).

I made a little sandwich out of the Turkey I selected. I put some pickles on it and I ended up dunking it in the leftover nacho cheese on my plate. This was pretty tight!
Following the meat carving station were chicken wings!

Holy moly I loved these wings! They weren't buffalo wings but they did had some sort of seasoning on them. Im not sure exactly what it was but it was very tasty! The wings were crispy which I think is one of the most important things when it comes to a "good chicken wing". The wings were also served with a homemade tasting ranch sauce. Mmmm good!
The "fanciest" food item of the night was these little shrimp cocktails that they made.

They had 3 chilled shrimps on a mini glass dish with cocktail sauce in the middle. This was very delicious. I love shrimp and these tasted very fresh. Im not sure if the cocktail sauce was handmade or not but it had a very nice sweet tang taste that complimented the shrimp very well.
They also had sweet meatballs and some sort of cheese ball out. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of those items out on the buffet. The meatballs were excellent though. They we're sweet and sauced up very nicely!
Here's a look at my plate with all the delicious food!

Now comes dessert! It was a "Disney" themed cake (My Nana loves Disney and is going there to start off her retirement) made by "A Piece of Cake" Bakery.

I had a piece from the top suitcase that was a vanilla almond flavor. It was pretty good. I later found out that the bottom suitcase was chocolate fudge. I tried a piece of that and that was VERY good. It was way more moist in my opinion. Very good cake over all!
Happy Retirement Nana! Your party was super fun and the food was super good! Enjoy it!