ATP! Presents: Brittany Has An Appetite (January 4th, 2012)

Anyone who follows drummer Brittany Harrell (@brittanyharrell) of Georgia's pop-punk outfit, Veara on Twitter would know that her account is comprised of talk about WWE, music and things 99% food related. With that said, we invited Brittany to be a part of the Alter The Press team where each week, she will be writing a weekly blog talking about the best meals she has consumed and letting the world know about her love of food!
January 4th, 2012It's been a little warm in Georgia the past couple of days. The warm weather put my Mom in the mood to grill up some hot dogs and to fry up some home made hand cut French fries at the house!
For the hot dogs we grilled Hebrew National all beef hot dogs.

There's a famous hotdog/old fashion/drive-in from Atlanta, GA called
"The Varsity". My Mom got a can of chili from their location in Athens, GA. This chili is awesome! It's all beef and has a great meaty texture.

My mom also grated up some sharp cheddar cheese.

Also, gotta have some diced onions to give those hot dogs a nice bite!

I always like to use French's mustard on my hot dogs.

For some good ol' munchin', we had some Nora Mills sweet pickles that my mom brought back from the mountains. We cracked open the jar before dinner and we ate them all! They're so good!

Now onto the homemade hand cut fries! My mom peeled and I sliced up the potatoes. She soaked them in water for a little while. She says that this makes them crispier when frying.
Here's the fries right when they first went in the pan.

And here's the fries when they have started to fry up pretty good.

And here's the finished product!

Now I'm gonna show how I constructed my chili cheese dog from start to finish. Follow the pictures below. My hotdog had mustard, diced onions, sharp cheddar cheese, varsity brand beef chili, and extra cheese on top.

Here is a picture of my plate of food! I had my hot dog and I made my fries into chili cheese fries using the same Chili cheese I used on my hot dog.

I don't think you can ever go wrong with a good ol' hot dog and french fries. My mom hit a home run with this meal!