Hey Monday Guitarist Releases Statement Regarding Hiatus

"hey guys so i’m just going to fill you in on a few tidily bits. Hey Monday is still a band. The band is not broken up, however we are currently focusing on other aspects of our musical expression. as you all know, Cassadee is pursuing a solo endeavor. she has posted her info about it on her facebook page, so if you would like to go scope that! In lieu of this down time, I am pursuing new music; playing and writing with a new band. this will be my main focus. i’m extremely excited about this, and am looking forward to releasing information about my new band very soon. i’m working some things out, new bands don’t just happen over night! for what alex, pat, and christopher are up to in the meantime, keep up with their twitters and other social networking sites. Keep posted to my blog and twitter for details, ill be leaking little tidbits of info here and there until things are ready to be fully set in motion! whether it is with my new band, other friends that i have been playing/filling in for, or hey monday, i’ll be seeing you guys soon! :) p.s.- it’s extremely hard to be a band in today’s music industry. anything that will happen with my new band will happen because of you guys. i love you all to death, you guys are the fucking best. <3"